Alpesh Desai , D.O.



Dr. Alpesh Desai began his medical career in Kansas City, MO where he graduated at the top 10% of his medical school class. Before entering into a 3-year dermatology residency, Dr. Desai spent two years studying Facial Plastic Surgery. This unique blend of plastic surgery and dermatology training has allowed Dr. Desai to perform a wide variety of procedures from cosmetics to skin cancer surgery. In addition to clinical dermatology, Dr. Desai spends a considerable amount time in research work. He has spent time at Harvard Medical School conducting research on autoimmune blistering diseases and has numerous publications. Currently, Dr. Desai is involved in several clinical research trials studying new medications for psoriasis, acne, and fat reduction.

Dr. Desai is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology and received a prestigious research fellowship from the AAD during medical school. He has won many academic awards and received several grants during his medical career, most notably Resident of the Year by his peers and mentors.



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